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Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines for Journal of Public and Clinical Health Research (JPCHR)

Submission Process: Authors are encouraged to submit their manuscripts to this journal. First-time users must register on the website to create an account, free of charge. Once registered, authors can use their credentials to submit manuscripts and track their progress. For any queries or technical issues, please contact:

Types of Manuscripts: The Journal of Public and Clinical Health Research (JPCHR) accepts the following categories of manuscripts: Original Articles, Review Articles / Continuing Medical Education (CME), Systematic Reviews (including Meta-analyses), Editorials, Letters to the Editor, and Short Communications.

General Information

JPCHR publishes original research and findings that contribute to advancements in multidisciplinary fields of medical science.

Author Responsibilities

The journal accepts only original works that have not been published or submitted elsewhere. Authors must confirm that the manuscript, in whole or in part, has not been previously published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere. Abstracts presented at conferences are not considered prior publication and may be submitted for consideration, provided that the details of such presentations are disclosed in the Acknowledgements section. Any material protected by copyright laws that is used in the manuscript must be properly acknowledged. Publication of material on a website may constitute prior publication and must be disclosed at the time of submission. Additionally, authors should disclose details of related papers, even if authored in a different language.

Once accepted, changes to authorship (additions, removals, or modifications) are not permitted.

Authorship Criteria: Authorship credit should be granted based on substantial contributions to the conceptualisation and design of the study, data acquisition, or data analysis and interpretation; drafting or critically revising the manuscript for important intellectual content; final approval of the version to be published; and accountability for the accuracy and integrity of all aspects of the work.

Each author must take responsibility for their contributions and publicly affirm the manuscript’s content. The sequence of authorship should reflect each contributor’s relative contributions and cannot be changed post-submission without written consent from all authors. The journal allows a maximum of eight authors for all categories of manuscripts, except for Case Reports and Case Series, which are limited to a maximum of four authors.

The Corresponding Author is responsible for all communication with the journal and for ensuring that the final manuscript reflects the required changes from editors and reviewers.

Ethics Research must adhere to the Code of Ethics of the World Medical Association (Declaration of Helsinki) for studies involving humans. Scientific misconduct, as defined by the Federal Research Misconduct Policy, includes data falsification, which refers to the fabrication, distortion, or selective reporting of findings, and plagiarism, which involves using another’s language, ideas, or work without permission or presenting it as original. Authors must ensure that no text has been inadvertently copied verbatim from previously published work.

Conflict of Interest: All authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest related to the manuscript or its content. This includes financial relationships, institutional affiliations, or any competing products that may influence the study’s findings.

Institutional Review Board Approval and Informed Consent: All human studies must have approval from an institutional review board. Signed informed consent from participants is mandatory. If applicable, a waiver of consent granted by the board should be explicitly stated in the manuscript. Articles lacking these requirements will not be considered for publication. Patient consent and ethical approval details, including protocol numbers and dates, must be included in all research articles.

Patient Privacy Informed consent must be obtained from all participants (or their guardians for minors under 16) and explicitly stated in the manuscript. Identifiable information, such as names, initials, or hospital numbers, should not be included unless essential for scientific purposes. In such cases, written informed consent for publication must be obtained and documented.

If anonymity cannot be assured (e.g., masking eyes in photographs), explicit consent is required. Any alterations to identifying details must maintain scientific accuracy, and this should be verified by the authors and noted by the editors.

Reporting Guidelines: Reports of randomised clinical trials must include details on all major study elements, such as the protocol, assignment of interventions (methods of randomisation, concealment of allocation to treatment groups), and masking methods (blinding), as per the CONSORT Statement. Reporting guidelines for specific manuscript types are outlined below. A statement of compliance with the relevant guideline should be included on the title page of the manuscript.


Type of Study


Observational studies including cohort, case-control, and cross-sectional studies


Randomized controlled trials


Quality improvement projects


Systematic reviews and meta-analyses


Studies of diagnostic accuracy


Clinical Practice Guidelines


Protocol Reporting


Qualitative Studies

For other study types, reporting guidelines can be accessed at

The Editorial Process

All submissions to the Journal of Public and Clinical Health Research (JPCHR) are first assessed by an editor to determine their alignment with the journal's aims and scope. Manuscripts that are deemed suitable are then subjected to a double-blind peer-review process to ensure they are scientifically sound, relevant, novel, and impactful.

The peer-review process is impartial and involves reviews by at least two external reviewers. If required, a third reviewer may be consulted to resolve any disagreements. The decision to accept a manuscript for publication is based solely on the peer review process, and the final decision rests with the editor. The reviewers’ comments, along with their recommendations (acceptance, rejection, or suggestions for revision), are communicated to the author. Authors are expected to provide a point-by-point response to the reviewers’ feedback and submit a revised version of the manuscript. This cycle continues until the reviewers and editors are satisfied with the manuscript.

Accepted manuscripts undergo copyediting to ensure correctness in grammar, punctuation, print style, and formatting. Galley proofs are then sent to the author, who must return them with corrections within three days. It may not be possible to incorporate corrections after this period. All stages of manuscript submission, decision-making, and proofing are handled online to facilitate faster processing and wider dissemination. Once a manuscript is accepted, it is published immediately online under the Continuous Article Publishing (CAP) model, ensuring prompt dissemination of research findings.

Manuscripts that do not comply with the Author Guidelines or exceed the specified word limits will be returned to the authors without review. Authors may resubmit after addressing the guidelines.

In-house Submissions: Submissions authored by editorial board members will not be reviewed by that member. An independent editor will handle the review and decision-making process for such manuscripts, which will be reviewed by at least two external reviewers. This conflict of interest will be disclosed in the published manuscript under the section on "Conflict of Interest."

Preparation of the Manuscript

Manuscripts should be double-spaced, with 2.54 cm margins, and written in 12-point Times New Roman font (including title and headings). The text should be justified, and pages must be formatted in A4 size with page numbers placed at the bottom right corner.

Language and Writing Style: Manuscripts should be written in Indian English. The full term for each abbreviation should be written out at its first occurrence in the title, abstract, keywords, and text, unless it is a standard unit of measure. Acronyms and abbreviations should be used sparingly, and the full term should be followed by the acronym or abbreviation in parentheses upon first mention. If a brand name is cited, the manufacturer’s name and address (city, state, and country) should be provided.

Manuscripts will be edited to conform to the style guidelines of the Journal of Public and Clinical Health Research (JPCHR). Authors are requested to carefully proofread their manuscripts for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors before submission. Headings and titles should be in sentence case, not all caps. Tables should be formatted according to APA style, and charts should be submitted in an editable format.

Submission of the Manuscript

All manuscripts must be submitted online at the Journal of Public and Clinical Health Research (JPCHR). The submission process provides step-by-step instructions to guide authors through the process. Authors are required to submit the following documents as separate files in .doc or .docx format; submissions in .pdf format are not allowed.

The submission includes two primary documents: the Cover Page and the Manuscript. The manuscript must encompass the title, abstract, keywords, manuscript body (including introduction, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion), and references. The acknowledgment section should be appended at the end of the main manuscript, but it must not mention the name of the city or the institution.

Organization of Sections in an Article

Cover Page: The cover page must include the complete manuscript title, full names of all authors (first, middle, and last names), their highest academic degrees, professional titles, affiliations, and locations of affiliations. It should also specify the name and contact details of the corresponding author, including telephone number and email address. Additionally, sources of support requiring acknowledgment, a short running title of no more than 45 characters (including spaces), word count for both the abstract and manuscript, total count of tables, images, and graphs, and a certificate from the Institutional Ethics Committee (IEC) should be included.

Abstract: An abstract is required for all manuscript types except for editorials and letters to the editor. Abstracts should not exceed 250 words. For original research articles, the abstract should be structured into four subheadings: background (including objectives), methods, results, and conclusions. Authors should provide up to five keywords aligned with the MeSH database at the end of the abstract. The abstract must not include figures, tables, references, trade names, or manufacturers’ names.

Introduction: The introduction must outline the objective of the study in no more than 500 words. Authors should articulate the specific goal or purpose of the article and its significance. The introduction should also describe the hypothesis to be tested, the dilemma to be resolved, or the gap in knowledge the study seeks to address.

Material and Methods: This section must detail the research plan, materials (or subjects), and methods used. It should specify how the disease or condition was confirmed, controls utilized, data collected, and analysis performed. Detailed descriptions of any surgical devices, medications, or apparatus must include the branded name, manufacturer’s details, city, and country.

When applicable, provide full specifications of ultrasound machines, including the manufacturer and country of origin, the type of transducer, and its frequency. For example: “IVC filter (C.R. Bard, Inc., Murray Hill, New Jersey, USA)” or “GE Logiq E9, Milwaukee, USA.” Methods should be described comprehensively enough to enable replication.

Study Design: Selection and Description of Participants: Clearly describe the selection criteria for participants (patients or laboratory animals), including eligibility, exclusion criteria, and the source population.

Technical Information: Provide detailed information on methods, apparatus, and procedures, referencing established methods and explaining any new or modified techniques.

Ethics: Authors must supply evidence of approval by a local ethics committee.

Statistics: Specify statistical methods used, measurement errors, and confidence intervals. Avoid misuse of technical terms and provide precise definitions. All P values must be exact (e.g., P = 0.032) rather than thresholds (e.g., P < 0.05).

Results: Results should be presented in a logical sequence aligned with the study objectives. Numeric results should include absolute numbers alongside percentages and other derivatives. Tables and graphs should not duplicate data. Trends and critical findings should be highlighted. Where relevant, include analysis by age, sex, or other variables.

Discussion: The discussion should interpret the findings in the context of the hypothesis, existing evidence, and clinical or policy implications. It must include key findings, strengths, limitations, and a comparison with previous studies. Refrain from reiterating data already presented in the introduction or results sections.

References: References must be numbered sequentially in the order they appear in the manuscript, following Vancouver style. If author using reference manager software like Mendeley or Zotero they can use this specific tailored custom citation style: Citation numbers should be superscripted and enclosed in square brackets after punctuation. Example: “... with no evidence of intratubular testicular neoplasia.[1]

Tables: Tables must adhere to APA style, include descriptive titles, and be self-explanatory without duplicating text data. Each table must define abbreviations used below the table and ensure arithmetic accuracy. Tables should have a minimum of four lines and two columns of data and should not exceed 10 columns or 25 rows.

Graphs: Graphs should be in JPEG or TIF format with a minimum resolution of 1000 dpi. Axes must be clearly labelled, and error bars must be defined in the legend. Indicate whether the ± values represent standard error (SEM) or standard deviation (SD).

Figures/Images: Images must be in JPEG or TIF format with a maximum size of 3 MB. Figures should be numbered consecutively and accompanied by descriptive legends. Titles and detailed explanations should not be placed on the images themselves but in the legends. Written permissions are required for patient photographs, and identifiable features like eyes must be covered. Any reproduction of figures must include a credit line and written copyright permission.

Specific Details for Each Manuscript Type

Original Articles

The length of the article should not exceed 3000 words, excluding the abstract and references. Original research articles must include a structured abstract of no more than 250 words, divided into four sections: (i) Background, (ii) Methods, (iii) Results, and (iv) Conclusions, followed by 5-8 key words, listed alphabetically and in accordance with MeSH guidelines.

The main article should follow this structure: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments (if applicable), Conflicts of Interest, and References. Ethical clearance from the Institutional Review Board (IRB) or Ethics Committee is mandatory for studies involving human subjects, and this must be stated in the Materials and Methods section. Registration of clinical trials is also required, with the registration number or CTR number mentioned in the manuscript.

Review Articles / Continuing Medical Education (CME)

The JPCHR publishes various types of review articles, including but not limited to rapid reviews, mapping reviews, and scoping reviews. Only those review articles authored by experts who have published quality original research in the relevant area will be considered. These articles can be up to 4000 words (excluding the abstract and references) and should not exceed 100 references, focusing on recent and relevant literature. The methodology should be clearly defined, including the search strategy employed. The abstract should be unstructured, with a word limit of 250 words. Tables and figures may be included as needed. If any published tables or figures are reproduced, copyright permission must be obtained from the original copyright holder.

Systematic Reviews (Including Meta-analysis)

Systematic reviews, including meta-analyses, will involve a critical appraisal of studies on clinical or public health topics of significance, aiming to provide an unbiased quantitative estimate of the overall effect of an intervention or variable on a defined outcome. The focus could range from causes, diagnosis, prognosis, therapy, prevention, and more. These articles should be thoroughly researched, offering a comprehensive and balanced perspective. A structured abstract is required. Systematic reviews should not exceed 3000 words and may include a limited number of tables and figures. These will be published subject to peer review.

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor should be concise, presenting decisive observations. Ideally, they should relate to articles previously published in the journal or comments made within it. The word limit for letters is 750 words, with no more than 5 references.

Short Communications

Short communications should adhere to the same guidelines as original research articles, but with a word limit of 1500 words, and the abstract should not exceed 150 words. The manuscript should include no more than 3 tables and/or figures, and references should be limited to 12.

Publication/Processing Fee

Article Processing Charge (APC)

Currently, the Journal of Public and Clinical Health Research (JPCHR) does not charge any fees for manuscript submission or processing.

Data Sharing Policy

Authors submitting manuscripts to JPCHR must be willing to provide data pertaining to original research articles without restrictions, should the editorial board request it. Non-compliance with this condition may result in the rejection of the manuscript.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses provided on this journal site will be used solely for the purposes specified by the journal and will not be shared with third parties or used for any other purpose. For inquiries or assistance, please contact us at

Open Access: As part of our commitment to knowledge sharing and collaboration, the journal operates under an open-access model. All articles published in JPCHR are freely available online, ensuring that research can reach a broad audience and have a greater impact.

Creative Commons Licensing

This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0), which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given, and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.

Digital Archiving

The journal ensures long-term digital preservation of its content through partnerships with leading archiving systems, including the PKP Preservation Network (PN) and CLOCKSS.

The journal does not impose an embargo period on articles and follows the Continuous Article Publishing (CAP) model for publication.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • This submission meets the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • This submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • All references have been checked for accuracy and completeness.
  • All tables and figures have been numbered and labelled.
  • Permission has been obtained to publish all photos, datasets and other material provided with this submission.


Section default policy

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.